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FVP Conference

  • Hotel Arte Congress Center 10 Riggenbachstrasse Olten, SO, 4600 Switzerland (map)

FVP Conference

The event for the person responsible for technical matters in Switzerland

  • Latest requirements

  • Top Speaker

  • with experts & former representatives of the authorities

  • Lively discussions

  • Workshops & Round Tables

As an FvP, you face many challenges: Increasing regulatory requirements, pressure to reduce costs and increase efficiency in a highly competitive market environment, the integration of new technologies into existing processes, as well as quality assurance and risk management requirements. The need for innovative solutions to overcome these challenges is more urgent than ever.

Our conference provides a unique platform for FvPs to network, share knowledge and collaborate on solutions to the challenges of the modern age. From regulatory requirements to technological advances, you will have the opportunity to engage with industry experts and benefit from their experience.

During the two-day event, you can expect exciting presentations, but there will also be plenty of room for discussion in interactive program items. Our experts will be available to answer your questions in various Q&A sessions. For example, you can discuss legal issues with lawyer Igor Schnyder or exchange views on inspection topics with Franziska Hüsler, former inspector and head of the RHI. Dr. Manuela Langos-Mabboux will advise you on your specific topics regarding stress and conflict prevention in the area of tension of the FvP. Don't miss the opportunity to benefit from this valuable input on your issues.

Venue: Hotel Arte Congress Center, Riggenbachstr. 10, 4600 CH-Olten

With Igor Schnyder.

Link to the event and registration

August 21

Communication and advertising OTC/NEM/MD/KOS

September 10

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