Fields of law

We offer companies from the pharmaceutical and food industries as well as people and organizations active in the healthcare sector quick and uncomplicated practical solutions at competitive prices.

Information about our specialties

  • Authorisations

    Regulatory questions about authorisations, exceptions, and specificities (formula drugs, Fast Track, Article 13 Therapeutic Products Act).

    Orphan Drugs

    Orphan drugs und compassionate use, requirements, and admissibility

    Off Label Use

    Limits and possibilities

    Pharmacovigilance, market supervision

    Technical responsibility and reporting obligations

    Distribution and dispensing

    Dispensing categories, mail order, self-dispensing

    Advertising and communication

    Advertising to professionals and to the general public, advertising and information, internet

    Monetary advantages

    Discounts, retrocessions, Pharma Cooperation Code, donations, events sponsorship, service contracts

    Parallel imports

    Requirements for parallel imports

    First filing protection

    Duration of protection, generics.


    Distinctions from medical devices, food supplements, cosmetics

  • Ethics Committees, FOPH, Swissmedic

    Research with medicinal products for human use, licensing requirements, cooperation with ethics committees, FOPH and Swissmedic


    Division of tasks Investigator, Sponsor; Investigator initiated Studies

    Non Interventional Studies

    Non-interventional studies, reports on practical experience, usage observations

  • Manufacturing, wholesale, retail, GMP, GDP outpatient medical institutions, self-dispensing

    Outpatient medical institutions, self-dispensation

  • Specialist and public advertising campaigns

    Consulting, expert opinions, including in cooperation with advertising agencies


    Websites, apps, social media

    Pecuniary benefits, gifts, and discounts

    Support for health care organisations (HCO) and health care professionals (HCP), discounts on therapeutic products, sponsoring and donations, gifts

    Pharmacode and Pharma Cooperation Code

    Content and scope of application, relationship with the Therapeutic Products Act, disclosure, prohibition of gifts


    Trade samples, samples for the public, advertising with samples

  • Definition and delimitation

    Definition, delimitation with respect to therapeutic products, food supplements, and cosmetics

    New and global approach and marketing

    Requirements, technical documentation, conformity

    Conformity assessment, obligation to notify

    Technical documentation, conformity assessment offices, technical standards, CE-certification label

    Market supervision

    Materials vigilance, product monitoring, advertising

  • General reimbursement issues with the specialty drug list (SDL), list of specialty drugs for birth defects (GGML), list of therapeutic products and medical devices (MiGeL)

    Reimbursement of drugs for unapproved usage and limitations (off-label/off-limitation use) or outside the SDL (non-SDL)

    Review of authorisation conditions (price review)

  • Professional licence requirements

    Rights and obligations in connection with drugs (usage, dispensing, self-dispensing)

    Regulatory aspects concerning permissible activities, scope of practice

  • Requirements for the collection of medical data

    Communication of medical data / personal data abroad (e.g. in the context of clinical trials)

    Communication of data to foreign authorities

    Technical and organisational data protection measures

    Right to information and inspection

  • Delimitations

    Delimitation in respect of therapeutic products and medicinal products

    Marketing of food supplements

    Claims and health claims


Links to legal foundations

Therapeutic products law

  • TPA, Federal Act on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices

  • MPLO, Ordinance on Licensing in the Medicinal Products Sector

  • VAM, Ordinance on Medicinal Products

  • AMZV, Ordinance of the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products on the Requirements for the Authorization of Medicinal Products

  • VAZV, Ordinance on the Simplified Authorization of Medicinal Products and the Authorization of Medicinal Products in the Notification Procedure

  • KPAV, Ordinance of the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products on the Simplified Authorization and Notification Procedure for Complementary and Herbal Medicinal Products.

  • TAMV, Ordinance on Veterinary Medicinal Products

  • AWV, Ordinance on the Advertising of Medicinal Products

  • MepV, Medical Devices Ordinance

  • TPITO, Ordinance on Integrity and Transparency in relation to Therapeutic Products

  • ISABV-V, Ordinance on the Information System for Antibiotics in Veterinary Medicine

  • GebV-Swissmedic, Ordinance of the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products on its Fees

  • Therapeutic Products Supervision Levy Ordinance, Ordinance on the Supervision Levy to the Swiss Therapeutic Products Institute

  • AllergV, Ordinance of the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products on the Simplified Authorization of Allergen Preparations

Narcotics Law

  • NarcA, Narcotics Act

  • BetmKV, Narcotics Control Ordinance

  • BetmSV, narcotics addiction ordinance

Health insurance law

  • KVG, Federal Law on Health Insurance

  • KVV, Ordinance on Health Insurance

  • VKL, Ordinance on Cost Determination and Service Recording by Hospitals, Maternity Hospitals and Nursing Homes in Health Insurance.

  • KLV, Ordinance on Benefits in Compulsory Health Insurance

Foodstuffs law

  • FSA, Federal Act on Foodstuffs and Utility Articles

  • LGV, Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance

  • VLBE, Ordinance on Food for Persons with Special Dietary Needs.

  • VNem Regulation on food supplements

  • LIV, Ordinance on Food Information

  • Novel Food V CH, Ordinance on Novel Foods

Human Research Law

  • HRA, Federal Act on Research involving Human Beings

  • HRO,Ordinance on Human Research with the Exception of Clinical Trials

  • ClinO, Ordinance on Clinical Trials with the exception of Clinical Trials of Medical Devices

  • ClinO-MD, Ordinance on Clinical Trials with Medical Devices

Privacy, data protection law

  • DSGData Protection Act

  • DSV, Data Protection Regulation