Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Medical congresses abroad

A Swiss marketing authorization holder and manufacturer of medicinal products asked us for advice on organizing medical congresses abroad.
We supported the company in compliance issues relating to the organization of the event and together ensured that the congress was conducted in accordance with the Ordinance on Integrity and Transparency in the Therapeutic Products Sector (VITH), the Pharma Code and the EFPIA Code of Practice.

A Swiss marketing authorization holder and manufacturer of medicinal products asked us for advice on organizing medical congresses abroad.

We supported the company in compliance issues during the organization of the event and together ensured that the congress was conducted in accordance with the Regulation on Integrity and Transparency in the Therapeutic Products Sector (VITH), the Pharma Code and the EFPIA Code of Practice.

In particular, questions arose regarding the assumption of costs, catering and accommodation as well as advertising materials for the event.

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