Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Medical congresses abroad

A Swiss marketing authorization holder and manufacturer of medicinal products asked us for advice on organizing medical congresses abroad.
We supported the company in compliance issues relating to the organization of the event and together ensured that the congress was conducted in accordance with the Ordinance on Integrity and Transparency in the Therapeutic Products Sector (VITH), the Pharma Code and the EFPIA Code of Practice.

A Swiss marketing authorization holder and manufacturer of medicinal products asked us for advice on organizing medical congresses abroad.

We supported the company in compliance issues during the organization of the event and together ensured that the congress was conducted in accordance with the Regulation on Integrity and Transparency in the Therapeutic Products Sector (VITH), the Pharma Code and the EFPIA Code of Practice.

In particular, questions arose regarding the assumption of costs, catering and accommodation as well as advertising materials for the event.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Specialist advertising

Compliance and sensitization field service

After updating its product advertising for doctors, a marketing authorization holder requested a legal review of the brochures and documents. We ensured that the advertising content complied with the pharmaceutical advertising regulations and was in line with the information for healthcare professionals.

Compliance and sensitization field service

After updating its product advertising for doctors, a marketing authorization holder requested a legal review of the brochures and documents. We ensured that the advertising content complied with the pharmaceutical advertising regulations and was in line with the information for healthcare professionals. With our many years of experience in advising on pharmaceutical advertising, both for specialists and for the general public, we support marketing departments and the sales force in expanding pharmaceutical advertising compliance with pragmatic solutions.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Financing a health podcast

A pharmaceutical company wanted to financially support the realization of a podcast on health topics. We were able to advise those responsible on the legal aspects of medicinal products in order to implement this project.

A pharmaceutical company wanted to financially support the realization of a podcast on health topics. We were able to advise those responsible in matters relating to pharmaceutical law in order to implement this project. In particular, we had to clarify to what extent and under what conditions the podcast could be supported in compliance with legal integrity and transparency regulations.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Advertising for medicinal products and food supplements

As part of its marketing strategy, a company in the pharmaceutical and dietary supplement industry created a comprehensive product brochure for its retail partners. We supported the company in reviewing the advertising content, whereby...

As part of its marketing strategy, a company in the pharmaceutical and food supplement industry created a comprehensive product brochure for its retail partners. We supported the company in reviewing the advertising content, focusing on the implementation of the different legal advertising requirements for pharmaceuticals and food supplements. For this purpose, not only the state regulations but also the industry regulations (Pharma Code) were taken into account. This has also further strengthened the company's compliance efforts.

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