Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Social media advertising for OTC products

A German marketing authorization holder is planning a completely revamped website for its OTC products and the use of various social media channels (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) in order to be more present and address customers more directly.

A German marketing authorization holder is planning a completely revamped website for its OTC products and the use of various social media channels (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) in order to be more present and address customers more directly.

Together, we developed an advertising strategy to make a lasting impression on social media as well as in traditional print and TV advertising and still be compliant with all legal requirements.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Presentations for training courses

A large pharmaceutical company offers training courses on the handling of its medicines for specialists such as doctors, pharmacists and medical practice and nursing staff. The company approached us to review the implementation and content of the training.

A large pharmaceutical company offers training courses on the handling of its medicines for specialists such as doctors, pharmacists and medical practice and nursing staff. The company approached us to review the implementation and content of the training.

We analyzed the training material, particularly with regard to the requirements of the German Drug Advertising Ordinance, the VITH and the Pharma Code, but also with regard to competition law. Together, we created a guide including a checklist - also for future training courses - to ensure that future training courses are also designed to be compliant.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Advertising for aesthetic medical treatments

A leading Swiss company in the field of aesthetic medical treatments approached us to make its advertising on social media and its website compliant. Many products in the aesthetic medical treatment sector are prescription drugs (Rx drugs) for which advertising to the public is not permitted. Advertising for such treatments must therefore be designed precisely.

A leading Swiss company in the field of aesthetic medical treatments approached us to make its advertising on social media and its website compliant. Many products in the aesthetic medical treatment sector are prescription drugs (Rx drugs) for which advertising to the public is not permitted. Advertising for such treatments must therefore be designed precisely.

We supported the company in designing its social media profiles on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook. We also worked together to ensure that their website complied with all the requirements of the Therapeutic Products Act, the Medicinal Products Advertising Ordinance and, in particular, Swissmedic.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Pharmaceutical marketing on the Internet

A marketing authorization holder and pharmaceutical manufacturer redesigned its website as part of its marketing strategy. We were able to support them in developing the content to ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

A marketing authorization holder and pharmaceutical manufacturer redesigned its website as part of its marketing strategy. We were able to support them in developing the content to ensure compliance with all legal requirements. In addition to its convincing external image, the company has thus strengthened its compliance and sensitized the marketing department to pharmaceutical advertising.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Specialist advertising

Compliance and sensitization field service

After updating its product advertising for doctors, a marketing authorization holder requested a legal review of the brochures and documents. We ensured that the advertising content complied with the pharmaceutical advertising regulations and was in line with the information for healthcare professionals.

Compliance and sensitization field service

After updating its product advertising for doctors, a marketing authorization holder requested a legal review of the brochures and documents. We ensured that the advertising content complied with the pharmaceutical advertising regulations and was in line with the information for healthcare professionals. With our many years of experience in advising on pharmaceutical advertising, both for specialists and for the general public, we support marketing departments and the sales force in expanding pharmaceutical advertising compliance with pragmatic solutions.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Patient leaflet and website

A marketing authorization holder was planning to redesign its website and a patient leaflet for healthcare professionals for one of its herbal medicinal products. In particular, the question arose as to the extent to which websites and patient leaflets for OTC products may contain information on dosage and use.

A marketing authorization holder was planning to redesign its website and a patient leaflet for healthcare professionals for one of its herbal medicinal products. In particular, the question arose as to the extent to which websites and patient leaflets for OTC products may contain information on dosage and use.

We worked with the company to review its redesigned website and ensure that it complied with all the requirements of the Medicinal Products Advertising Ordinance. Together, we also formulated a new patient leaflet that doctors can give to their patients.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Sports sponsorship

Tension between pharmaceutical advertising and sports sponsorship

As part of its nationwide promotion concept for sporting activities, a marketing authorization holder for medicinal products was considering a specific sports sponsorship. We supported them in the specific design to ensure compliance with all legal requirements in the area of pharmaceutical advertising.

Tension between pharmaceutical advertising and sports sponsorship

As part of its nationwide promotion concept for sporting activities, a marketing authorization holder for medicinal products was considering a specific sports sponsorship. We supported them in the specific design to ensure compliance with all legal requirements in the area of pharmaceutical advertising.

The standardized sponsorship packages provided for publication on the sponsorship recipient's website. Together, we developed a concept to adapt the specific presentation so that it is permissible as image advertising and as brand advertising for the product.

The sponsorship also enabled the marketing authorization holder to use the logo of the sponsorship recipient in its own advertising. Information in words and images was designed in such a way that the regulations for advertising to the public were complied with.

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Sylvia Schuepbach Sylvia Schuepbach

Advertising campaign and vouchers for medicines

A company in the homeopathy sector was planning a new advertising campaign for non-prescription medicines. In addition to the distribution of drug samples, this campaign was also to include the distribution of vouchers.

A company in the homeopathy sector was planning a new advertising campaign for non-prescription medicines. In addition to the distribution of drug samples, this campaign was also to include the distribution of vouchers.

The company had specific wishes regarding the design of the documents and a limited budget. Together, we were able to pragmatically design a comprehensive advertising campaign and launch it in time for the market launch.

We also advised the company on the design of the vouchers so that they comply with the requirements of Swissmedic and the Medicinal Products Advertising Ordinance (AWV).

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